Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hopes and Dreams of a Fifth Grader

       Okay to get this blog started let me just start to say that my life is filled with awkward moments and many times getting hit by basketballs just by sitting on the bleachers in gym.
       And in the fifth grade I had great ambitions in this world and I truly believed that I would do something great in life and be known for it for years to come. But what thing could I possibly do to get this famous?
Astronaut artist. I would become an astronaut artist.
        The whole astronaut thing started in fourth grade when I got the best time in a ruler catching reflex exercise when learning about space and how astronauts need good reflexes.  When I caught that ruler and the teacher said I was the best, my teacher could've called 911 for how big my head got.
        I would just make power point presentations on how I would even paint in space! I mean I already had a medal from NASA I got in the first grade how hard could being an astronaut be?
        Then one day I watched this episode of Fairly Oddparents and the dad was going to be an astronaut and leave his family for years! YEARS! I CANT LEAVE MY FAMILY! I LOVE MY FAMILY!
       So those dreams of being an astronaut have been flushed down the toilet along with being a figure skater.
       But looking back in my year book and seeing the goals in life section I smile at how I put "My goal in life is to become the first astronaut artist" Honestly I was surprised they let me put that since my elementary school was really strict. I mean they threatend us that in middle school keyboards didn't have letters and we better learn them now or we will fail in life.